Improving Service

Making the Law More Accessible

Despite the COVID 19 pandemic we were very busy, specially with this account.

Servicios Legales de Puerto Rico.
talking bubble azulBranding, Foresight Workshop, Web and Publication Design 2020.
We designed and implemented various derivable.
talking bubble amarillo
This is a corporate client, that we have been working for a few years now. That give us the time to mature strategic ideas and implement them in a systematic way.

Despite the COVID 19 pandemic we were very busy, specially with this account. Producing publications (both for print and accessible digital format) for lawyers and their clients. Establishing as a priority to make them attractive, useful and accessible. This client understand the importance of design led research and the iterative approach with their clients. So the firm law can become more approachable and people friendly. We also did a short workshop of Foresight and Ideation, to assist them in anticipatory planning. This method has similarities with methods of speculative design.

We also did a limited service design research, that gave us insights of our client services and also on our work for them. I was invited to various online conferences as a panelist during 2020, one of them was AIGA UNIDOS, which I took the opportunity to present these works as a case study of mutual learning. The following is the presentation. Enjoy!

About the author

Dr. Maria de Mater O'Neill

Twenty-five years of experience in art and design education. Award winning painter and designer. Author of Practice-Based Doctoral research “Developing Methods of Resilience for Design Practice”, a design model to improve real time resilience thinking for designers under stressors. She is a Fulbright Specialist Roster candidate.