Improving Service

Stories of Justice: An Annual Report Strategy

The client was Puerto Rico Legal Services, Inc (2017). Is a private non-profit organization that provides free legal representation and counseling to qualifying individuals and communities in cases of civil nature.
talking bubble azulThey wanted to publish an annual report.
We conceptualized and developed visual communication strategies (photograph, illustration and video services included).


talking bubble amarilloAs part of its transparency policies, in 2017 Puerto Rico Legal Services  retook the project of publishing its Annual Report.  The 2016 Annual Report would help the organization present its services and fiscal state to stakeholders. Rubberband proposed to include more than results and tasks but outcomes that demonstrated the significance of its work for individuals and communities who received this NGO law services.

Based on storytelling techniques, the report titled Stories of Justice emphasized the attorney-client relationship by highlighting successful cases in which access to justice was secured.  Important information for potential contributors and participants regarding statistics, achievements and other corporate information were included.  The report was distributed electronically and printing was on demand based.

Due to the relevance and worth of the stories, the project later included a series of short videos stressing the participants point of view on the quality of the services received.  The series, by sharing the clients’ stories, would serve as a tool into their first fundraising efforts using social media.

The 2016 Annual Report was very popular among staff. Our clients provider of federal funds, Legal Services Corporation, congratulated our client for a a well thought and empathetic publication concerning a sometimes very dry and technical subject manner. Making the law a human service. Puerto Rico Legal Services became a returning client, giving us the opportunity to expand our services.

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About the author

Rebeca Dorna

Licensed public relations practitioner. Has served as communications official for NGO and government institutions.