
User-Friendly Institutional Publications- Branding and Visual Communication

The client, Taller de Fotoperiodismo, is an educational nonprofit organization.
talking bubble azulThey requested a course catalog targeting K-12 educators, and other institutional publications.
For all the publications, design guidelines were created so they would be visually related to the 3 curriculum guides previously designed by Rubberband. It was an opportunity to strengthen and expand the client’s branding.


talking bubble amarilloThe catalog for the teacher training program (see below) is a selling tool for the sales team of the TFP. It consists of the following parts: a catalog-type options book, a sheet assessment, and a separate sheet with contact information. Continuing with our approach of user-centered design, a semi-structured inquiry of the TFP sales team was conducted in order to contextualize the needs of their sales process. It used design as a sales and marketing tool.

The 3 institutional publications were set to work with infographic covers. Our creative director, O’Neill, synthesized the content for quick reading by means of a folding game of questions and answers. After the last unfolding was performed, a book format followed. The 3 publications can work as a set or as individual pieces. All publications were illustrated, and an icon-based system was created for fast and easy reading.

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About the author

Marla Cirino

Cirino graduated in March, 2008 from the Florida International University in Miami (Florida, USA), with a degree in Architecture. She works for Rubberband as assistant designer and researcher, and as illustrator. In 2013, she and Anwar Morales won the People's Choice award for their design Formato in the Iron Age Designs’ Challenge.