Polimorfo, academic journal for the School of Architecture, Polytechnic University. Publication...
Layout C (with load more button)
Using Social Media as an Educational Strategy
Mary Anne Hopgood Santaella Collection: Research and Registry A co-produce cultural design project...
Designer as Cultural Producer
Exhibition of Community and Participatory Design. A co-produce cultural design project 2017-18. We...
Tenacity and Resiliency: An Annual Report Post Hurricane María
The client was Puerto Rico Legal Services, Inc. (2018) , is a private non-profit organization that...
Stories of Justice: An Annual Report Strategy
The client was Puerto Rico Legal Services, Inc (2017). Is a private non-profit organization that...
The Moving Horizon: talk at University of Illinois Urbana...
I was invited to give a talk to the School of Art & Design, at University of Illinois Urbana...